Struggle to fall asleep?
Waking up several times a night?
Rushing thoughts?
Tired of nothing working?
This SleepHypnosis is for you!

Finally I have the tools to deal with my rushing thoughts! Just being able to relax was a dream come true! Anna you are the best best best!
Get amazing sleep with SleepHypnosis
Unique produced music to activate the brain waves for ultimate relaxation & preparation for deep sleep
Anna's unique method ToM Energy Release ™
To achieve maximum effect, listen to the SleepHypnosis for 21 days
You have full control!
- Read about all the benefits of sleep & Anna's personal journey from chronic insomnia that led to her working on this SleepHypnosis for several years here! här!
Get RESULTS with SleepHypnosis on a deep level - tools that affect your subconscious and your conscious mind!
Bonus 1:
Steg för steg-guide ”Hur man förbereder sig för sömn”
Bonus 2:
Steg för steg-guide ”Hur man hanterar rusande tankar”
Bonus 3:
Steg för steg-guide ”Hur man processar sin dag för att kunna slappna av”
Bonus 4:
: Keep track of your development with your 21-day sleep journal.
Download the SleepHypnosis today and start the journey towards a better wellbeing and wonderful sleep!

About Anna
Anna specializes in how to find well-being in the midst of stress / depression / trauma.
It all started when she couldn't get help with her PTSD, postpartum depression,
physical injuries and chronic insomnia that developed into ME.
The severe lack of sleep also led to hormonal imbalance, Anna went from being 31 years old to being hormonally 69 years old and osteoporotic.
Today, she is a well-trained Hypnotherapist, Trauma Specialist, Internationally
Certified Coach, Leadership Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, EFT / TFT Tapping Master Practitioner, trained in Advanced trauma treatment for Complex PTSD etc.
EFT/TFT Tapping Master Practitioner, utbildad i Avancerad trauma behandling för Komplex PTSD m.m.
Anna is passionate about always learning the best way to expand our wellbeing and help others. She guides you in removing blockages - whatever may be standing in the way of your wellbeing such as; relationships, career, heartache, trauma, sleep problems, postpartum depression, childhood memories, smoking or unhealthy relationship with food etc. what is needed is your will and your courage!

Anna has a holistic mindset in her work, She gives you mental & physical tools and guides you through all exercises.
You are worthy of feeling wellness!